“Only high vibes”. Can it possibly get any more abstract and cheezy than that? Despite the banalization and superficiality of many talking about high vibes, for those interested in spiritual and personal development, it is a topic worthy of digging deeper — and I mean, much deeper.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
At the most fundamental level, everything is energy – and energy always vibrates. Different energies vibrate at different rates, giving them different frequencies. What we deem to be solid is but a mass with a low-frequency rate.
Your brain and nerve cells run on electricity — energy. Feelings and thoughts are all energy running through you. Reality is an energy field, a field where all is mind.
Love is a frequency, and fear is another one. Love has a high frequency, and fear has a lower one. Truly we are like radio receptors and can be fine-tuned to specific frequencies. Vessels. We all have our default mode, our comfort zone, yet we all can experience high frequencies at times — think of a day you are especially in a good mood, regardless of any problems and trouble you are going through.
Because we don’t know how to manage and sustain frequencies, we keep going up and down — but we don’t have to. The more you heal emotional wounds and mental blockages, the more you stay at higher frequencies: you become able to sustain higher levels of energy. We can use beautiful spiritual jargon yet this is what spiritual growth does to you.
Below I bring you 10 consequences of increasing your vibration, great reasons to start paying attention more to this facet of life.
If you want more info about frequency first, take a look at the article below:
Want Clarity, Love, and Purpose? Then Raise Your Frequency
No one wants to be confused. Full of self-doubt and fear, we end up stuck. As a result, we go all crazy trying to find…medium.com
1 Greater Clarity: Get Crystal Clear
Clarity is crucial: how can you possibly get what you want if you cannot set your foot on what you want?
The more your frequency rises, the more clarity you have: you know what you want, and what direction to take. Your next step becomes clear and you don’t hesitate. You don’t ask yourself “what is the point?” and “what is my purpose?” anymore because you have great clarity to live from and act on.
A big part of this is simply that you are farther away from the frequencies of fear and confusion. As a result, these lower energies cannot cloud your judgment so much anymore.
Think about it: how many great days have you had when what you wanted and needed to do was crystal clear — but days later, you were filled with fear that distorted the previous clarity? That’s what happens when we keep going up and down in frequencies.
As you become able to stay in higher frequencies, you become able to stand in your clarity more and more, without reluctance.
2 Higher Connection
“God is a frequency. Stay tuned.” Alan Cohen
This is the most abstract benefit of raising your frequency, and yet it is the one that you must understand for it is the reason why all other benefits occur.
The higher your frequency, the closer you are to the divine (or “the field” if you are not into God). Humanity overall runs at low frequency, full of anxiety, fear, hate, overthinking, scarcity mindset, disconnection, and numbness. The moment you raise your frequency, you are overcoming that cloud of heaviness and going to the part of our humanity that is beyond human: ultra-connected, magical even.
Because of that, you plug into energies such as joy, love, peace, pleasure, trust, vitality, presence, focus, and many other goodies. Consequently, you are also far from lower frequencies, such as the ones mentioned in the paragraph above. Therefore, lower frequencies don’t hijack you anymore — at least, not that easily.
In a nutshell, this is what raising your frequency is doing: plugging you to something much higher, allowing you to overcome the so-called human condition, and showing what is truly possible — the best part of existance.
“The human being holds a universe within, filled with overlapping frequencies, and the result is a symphony of cosmic proportions.” Masaru Emoto
3 Joy
Joy is the highest frequency. Life becomes more colorful, purposeful, lighter, and fun.
Truly we can’t be happy all the time, but happiness and joy are not the same thing. Happiness is an emotional reaction to an external event, whereas joy is an inner state you cultivate. You can be sorrowful and remain joyful.
The main thing that brings us down is disconnection. As your frequency rises, you have greater trust and connection allowing you to remain a part of the whole, no matter what.
Start increasing your frequency: Watch my free class, Connect with the Divine within: A 20-minute video class that brings you 7 ways to establish a much higher frequency and connection in your life.
4 Intuition
You know when you have something big to do, a project with a list of 1,000 things that you rationally tell yourself must get done?
What happens in high frequencies is that you have a much stronger intuition: it is as if you were directed, not to 1,000 different things, but to 10 clear things that have a clear reason of being, high priority, and highly impactful to what you are doing.
This is a result of higher connection and clarity. It allows you to focus, as you no longer disperse yourself with an overthinking mind and fear. You are now receiving information from higher consciousness — a higher mind, so to speak.
5 Synchronicity
“There are no accidents or coincidences in life — everything is synchronicity — because everything has a frequency.” Rhonda Byrn
In physicality, polarities attract. Energetically, it is the opposite: like attracts like.
This is why it is so hard for us to meet that dream partner who is living in a frequency much higher than ours: we can only sustain a connection to people who match us. Because we are trapped in certain emotional wounds and insecurities, we attract similar things.
Now, when you have clarity, joy, and higher connection, you will also attract things on the same page. As a result, we have a sensation of constant synchronicity: being in the right places, and meeting the right people, getting access to better opportunities. That is only because we are finally synched with them.
6 Courage & Resilience
Because you have clarity and intuition, and fear and confusion are so far away, you move much more smoothly, with no reason to hesitate. You now take action, yet not any action: you take the right action as if guided.
All that higher connection keeps you motivated: you trust and know you are on the right path, so you keep going.
Make no mistake: action is needed. You live in physicality. Even with all synchronicity in the world, you will always have to show up, say yes and no, and do what is right and needed.
High frequencies are truly pure high-level energy, also filling you with strength and vitality to do what is needed.
7 Love and Better Relationships
More connected to the frequency of love, you become more compassionate and understanding, supporting you to connect deeper to people. People simply enjoy being more in your company, for it brings that high vibe for them too. Your sheer presence instigates hope, inspiration and motivation.
This is why most of us can easily identify high-vibe people — and why we as well enjoy being around them so much (unless we are truly in a low frequency with no desire to get better, in which case those sunny people will only trigger us).
High vibes fill us with positivity, yet it is authentic and truthful. We don’t lie or hide things in the carpet, for these things will only lower our frequency. We also become more playful, edgy even, and authentic. We naturally bring up the good in all, and can still be critical and constructive, with grace, honesty, and humor.
8 Life Becomes Simpler
Less, but better. That’s a consequence of all that clarity and intuition. No longer doing ten thousand things, but with clarity of priorities and what will move the needle. All those projects and ideas become more manageable and real. We get to be lighter.
There’s a much higher level of positivity and trust that you are on the right track, without needing to disperse yourself with minor things. The fact that you also have more vitality and courage is also a great supporter here to navigate the complexities of life in a more grounded way.
9 Manifestation & Creativity
Your visions and dreams become real much faster when you are in higher frequency. This is truly an effect of all the things above combined: clarity, intuition, and courage leading you to rightful action. Synchronicity and better relationships allow you to come together with the people and resources needed. Higher connection brings you sparks of creativity and your upcoming actions and direction as you go.
You are in essence a creator. We all are. The more your frequency rises, the more you are what you always were meant to be, with less layers of complexity distorting you.
10 Inner Peace & Well-Being
A clear mind has tremendous benefits to your mental and emotional health. No more overthinking and anxiety, you get to be lighter, and more present in the here now.
As you take action you build confidence and increase your trust. Your positivity melts your stress away. With higher connection, you know you are guided, you know you are never alone.
Great stuff right? But how to do it?
This is truly what people call higher flow. We all have experienced some of this before, and it is nothing new. What is new is the possibility of this not being an ad hoc thing, and instead being a state of living you can work towards.
It doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges. Make no mistake: the greatest challenge is to be able to sustain higher frequencies, for in a world stuck in lower frequencies, there will be many temptations and situations around you ready to bring you down. Not to mention emotional wounds and behavioral patterns you might have that don’t let you today rise above for long.
It is not about peak experiences. It is about a new normal — a new default line of living, which requires attuning yourself to this reality.
Raising your frequency is not a one-day job. It is not about only going to parties and celebrating, for this will only exacerbate unhandled issues within you.
In my coaching practice, I have developed a framework to systematically raise your vibration, and create a new normal. It is a work of overcoming your inner mountains: a great work, and I can’t think of a more important work to do in this lifetime. Life is our greatest project, after all.
Curious? Book a Discovery Call with me here.
I am Aline Ra M, energy healer, mentor, and facilitator. Thank you for sharing your time and energy with me today.
Connect with the Divine within: Watch FREE Masterclass
A 20-minute video class that brings you 7 ways to establish a much higher frequency and connection in your life.
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