Modern life is not exactly a walk in the park. We get easily triggered and stressed, our minds are full of worries, frustrations, and fears. Having trouble sleeping? Even when
Too much to do, too little time. This is modern life, in a nutshell: busy, stressed, and meaningless. Our to-do list is endless, yet, irrelevant. If we dare to stop
Life, with its complexities and challenges, often appears as an intricate puzzle awaiting our deciphering. Amidst its convolutions, however, lie avenues toward simplicity and ease.
Life is not easy — but it
Shame, we all feel it. How many of these have you experienced in the last month:
The shame of overeating, of not knowing what you want, of binge-watching YouTube, of drunk
When was the last time you left your living room completely disorganized just to get back home and find it all back in its place on its own?
Unless you have
Even hell can be decorated comfortably.
Wellbeing & growth. They are not the same thing, and we need both.
Yet, we have grown used to extremely high levels of convenience. So high
Ten years ago I went to my first silent retreat. It was an introductory retreat, only four days long. Of the 20 people who started it together, three left it
Got a spare 10 minutes? Great! Then do this life-saving breathing exercise, meditate, and journal.
Open your Instagram feed to find multiple different life coaches, healers, and spiritual guides giving you
Have you ever met an ungrateful person? Lack of gratitude surely makes us bitter. Despite our remarkable technological advancements, more and more people seem to disconnect from their humanity, living
What initially led you to spirituality? For some, it’s at first a path to heal from suffering, such as disconnection, anxiety, and loneliness. For others, it begins as a journey