No one wants to be confused. Full of self-doubt and fear, we end up stuck. As a result, we go all crazy trying to find our purpose: we do all sorts of journaling exercises, endlessly ask ourselves what we want, binge on online courses and weekend retreats, and yet no answer seems to be 100% true. It’s like being lost in a foggy maze, isn’t it?
What if there was a radically different way to tackle this? What if you could instead focus on increasing your frequency — and then receive all the pieces of the puzzle on their own, with ease? Spoiler alert: there is.
The Power of High Frequencies
The higher your frequency, the more obvious everything becomes. Maybe not the entire picture of your purpose, but surely the next steps, what’s right for you, and the direction to take.
That’s because the higher your frequency, the closer you are to your heart and to the divine. In other words, in higher frequencies, we are directly plugged into love, bliss, trust, and clarity.
The cherry on the cake is that at this place, synchronicity skyrockets, doors open, and we just keep walking forward.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
Everything is energy, everything vibrates, and everything has its own frequency. Love is a frequency, and fear is another one.
When you’re vibrating high, you’re miles away from the frequencies of fear and confusion. As a result, those pesky energies can’t easily cloud your judgment. It’s like standing on a mountaintop, far above the storm clouds below. It’s like standing on a mountaintop, far above the storm clouds below, zooming out, with a much better overview. Up there, epiphanies come fast and often.
“In Life, there are an infinite number of doors. If you are diligent, you will open some of them. If you are brilliant, you will open many of them. But if you are Vibrant, they will open for you.” — Sadhguru
Glimpses of Heaven
We all visit higher frequencies now and then: think of days you’re in an extremely good mood, celebratory days, listening to your favorite upbeat songs, and in highly playful moments. It’s great that we experience these frequencies, so we know there’s such a thing: it is a taste of what’s available to us.
But here’s the catch: many people fall into the trap of chasing parties and peak experiences only to find themselves facing an exacerbated inner void. The high is temporary, and the crash can be brutal.
The Art of Sustaining High Frequency
The truth is, it’s hard to sustain a high frequency. It’s very much possible — in fact, it’s the core of my work as a mentor, facilitator, and energy healer — but it takes a good amount of training, effort, and commitment. Obviously, for otherwise, we would all be already there. It’s a highly transformative experience, which makes it all highly worth it.
Left on our own, we visit high frequencies for short bursts and then return to our regular bandwidth. As we return to normal, we get closer to the frequencies of fear, confusion, and self-doubt.
This is why you might have a moment of clarity one day, only to wake up the next day questioning the certainty of the previous day.
Coexisting Frequencies: Heaven and Hell on Earth
All frequencies exist in the same space-time lattice. We can all visit heaven and hell, for they coexist here and now. Maybe you don’t experience them because you’re in a frequency in between — but others surely do. That’s how billions of humans can experience such different realities. It’s all mind — it’s all energy; it’s all frequency.
Reframing Reality
In my work, I believe that instead of overthinking and overanalyzing our longing for more love and clarity, we can go the other way around. Humans have so much intelligence besides mental intelligence, yet we seem to be locked to a single aspect of ourselves.
We can work on our energy to increase our frequency — and, through that, change how our minds perceive reality, and live better. Attract and invite more, chase and hustle less.
This approach reframes the human condition. No more hustling and forcing things through; we connect to the part of us that is beyond human — Spirit, pure energy.
It reframes what we see as possible and reshapes our understanding of reality — and how we can operate in it. It’s highly empowering, pleasurable, and, yes, challenging — because it brings a whole new concept of what is at your disposal and who you are. It’s not a one-day job but a continuous commitment to different pillars that allow us to upgrade our lives and live much more divinely.
I know many won’t believe it and it’s okay. We live in a highly mental society, constantly overthinking and problem-solving. Practices like meditation and dancing support us to awaken different parts of our being, and connect to a higher mind — beyond language and analytical thinking. It is something that has to be experienced rather than discussed hypothetically only.
For me, this is an approach that emerged with my learnings and experience working with spiritual growth. After dedicating myself for many years to traditional spiritual approaches, it naturally became all about frequency. As I started identifying the pillars that allowed us to keep going higher and higher, I could create a framework for sustaining higher frequencies.
It is a work that requires dedication to what increases your frequency, abstaining from what lowers it (which requires great discipline), healing emotional wounds and blockages that keep bringing you lower, grounding, and nervous system care, among other areas.
The Path to Higher Frequencies
Living in higher frequencies requires clearing away everything that drags you down. This is the difference between being a visitor to higher frequencies and living there.
Sustaining higher frequencies, stabilizing that as your new normal, is the ultimate goal: to live closer to the divine, and thereby make our lives holy, anchoring love and purpose in every second of our lives. Living with joy and purpose.
Vibrating higher. It’s a journey full of personal and spiritual development, and it’s one hell of a ride. Remember, the higher you go, the more clear everything becomes.
My advice is simple: stop chasing temporary highs, and also stop hustling and hitting your head on the wall. Instead, focus on your frequency. Upgrade yourself, as the divine being that you are.
The clarity, purpose, and bliss you seek are not out there in some external event or course — they are within you, waiting to be unlocked as you reframe reality.
Hi, I am Aline Ra M, energy healer, mentor and facilitator. Thank you for sharing your time and energy with me today.
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