We’ve all heard the phrase: Your body is a temple.
As such, we learn to treat our bodies with care — watching what we consume, choosing who we engage with romantically, engaging in self-care.
But what if that wasn’t the full meaning of the expression? What if we misunderstood it — if we over-simplified it and reduced its deeper meaning?
We go into beautiful worship temples and pay too much attention to the intricate carvings, or the awe-inspiring ceiling, the paintings and statues. But what if I told you that all of this is but a distraction to the core of what a temple truly stands for — of what you truly are, as a human?
What is a Temple?
Sometimes we need to read between the lines.
Your body is a temple is a sentence that holds a crucial key. Every sacred space is designed around a single focal point — the place of communion, the center of connection.
That’s the altar.
The altar is where the real deal happens. Yet, in our own lives, we often forget this. We focus on maintaining the structure, keeping the temple clean and presentable, while neglecting the very thing that makes it sacred.
The Altar at the Center of Your Being
Think about the last time you entered a temple, a church, or any sacred space. Did you linger at the entrance, admiring the structure, or did you make your way to the altar — the place of the highest energy, the deepest presence?
Do you dare to stand tall at the altar — fully present, belonging, and at ease?
Now ask yourself: How often do you do the same in your own life?
Within you, at the center of your being, there is an altar of divine consciousness. It is the space within your heart where love, wisdom, and clarity reside. Loving awareness. Supreme consciousness. But how much of your time do you actually spend there, communing in your heart?
Many of us live as if we are sitting in the back row of our own lives, never daring to step forward into the sacred space within us. We engage in practices that make us feel connected, but we stop short of full communion. We don’t dare taking our rightful space at the altar — sometimes, we don’t even acknowledge that it exists, as we keep engaging with the walls only.
We take care of our health, of our looks, of beauty, the walls of the temple – yet we let that all distract us, as we neglect the depths and heights of our hearts.
Mind you, the walls of the temple matter. We want the whole temple to be strong and divine. Yet, we can’t forget why the walls are there in the first place — to protect the altar, the holy of holies.
We are so focused on the external — how we look, how we are perceived, how well we are “performing” in life — that we neglect our essence, and stop living in integrity with who we truly are.
Living from the Altar, Not Just the Temple
To live from the altar is to exist in alignment with your highest self. It means making decisions from a place of deep knowing rather than fear or external pressure. It means embodying love, not just seeking it.
In true connection, we strive to rule our lives from the throne of our hearts.
When you begin to live from your inner altar, everything shifts.
- You stop looking for validation outside yourself, allowing you to finally be authentic, with a light heart.
- Your decisions become clearer because they are guided by deep inner wisdom rather than fear and lack of confidence.
- Life takes on a sacred quality because you are no longer separate from your own divine essence. Finally, you can recognize the divine in everything and in everyone.
Honoring your inner altar isn’t about self-worship. It’s about stepping fully into your divine consciousness. It’s about moving from the periphery of spiritual awareness into the core of it, where transformation happens.
What It Means to Be at Home in Your Altar
Most people feel disconnected from themselves because they don’t spend time at their own altar. They are strangers to their own inner sanctuary. They seek peace, clarity, and purpose outside of themselves, not realizing that what they seek has been within them all along — and is eternal.
Being at home in your altar means:
- Knowing who you are beyond your roles, achievements, or labels.
- Trusting yourself deeply, even when external circumstances are uncertain.
- Living in alignment with love and integrity rather than fear or scarcity.
- Experiencing a sense of deep inner peace, no matter what is happening around you.
It’s not about reaching a perfect state of enlightenment — it’s about returning, again and again, to the sacred center within you. It’s about choosing, every day, to live from your heart, with ease and grace.
The Sacred Invitation: Are You Ready to Step Forward?
This is the invitation: to move beyond the external, beyond the distractions, beyond the illusion that spirituality is something separate from you. To let go of all the weight, and find the lightness, the spaciousness of your own heart.
It is already within you. You are Divine.
The question is, are you willing to stop standing in the doorway of your own temple and actually step into its sacred center? Are you willing to sit at the altar of your own heart and allow that space to lead your life?
If you feel the pull to explore this deeper level of existence — to not just understand these ideas but to live them — I invite you to join Heart Awakening.
This isn’t just another spiritual course. It’s a path to reconnect to your heart and stand tall on your altar. It’s about living in alignment with what you truly want and who you are. To heal from all that emotional weight that keeps you so far from the love that is your birthright.
You’ve been sitting in the back row long enough. It’s time to step forward.
Learn more about Heart Awakening here.
Hi, I am Aline Ra M, Spiritual Teacher, Healer & Mentor. I guide seekers to live harmoniously in the modern world. I want you to liberate yourself from the matrix and live divinely, as it is your birthright.