Here is an exploration of spiritual love, a mortal attempt to bring the great intangible into practical and concrete words. Enjoy!
Love is so big! It is the most powerful energy
It is my firm belief that spirituality is practical, hands-on, and rooted in everyday life.
That’s right! We are on Earth now, we are on physicality — not somewhere else. If we were
What are the foundations of your life — and when was the last time you took a look at them?
A house can stand firm and strong because of its foundations. It is
Spiritual growth gets more and more attention every day, but why? Why do we want to grow spiritually?
In this post, I bring 12 practical, hands-on benefits of spiritual growth. But
It doesn’t matter how beautiful and big your house is. Without good quality foundations, it all crumbles like a house of cards.
We, humans, tend to focus much of our attention
We look for abundance, and no matter how much we say that abundance goes beyond finances (abundance of love, health, friends, joy, pleasure, beauty, time, you name it), the first
Everything is energy. From the chair where you are sitting to your thoughts and feelings, energy is all there is.
We can’t create new energy, and we can’t destroy energy. We
The mind shouts, the heart whispers,
The mind is busy, the heart is spacious,
The mind worries, the heart cares,
The mind separates, the heart connects,
The mind overthinks, the heart knows,
The mind finds
Who cares what others think?
We tell ourselves that we shouldn’t care so much, and yet, when it comes time to express our desires or share our most profound feelings, shame